16 Sep 2024

Want to save 24p in every pound? Here's how

Imagine discovering that for every pound you spend on job boards, up to 24 pence might as well be poured down the drain.  

In recruitment, every penny counts, so this statistic should ring alarm bells. But many recruitment companies face the reality of unknowingly letting valuable resources slip away due to inefficiencies in job board management. Yes, that’s correct. Only an average of 76% of job board inventory is appropriately used by recruitment businesses, just like yours. 

The cost of poor job board management 

The financial drain stems from various factors: adverts that fail to attract the right candidates, unused job credits and inventory, and the time spent navigating the complexities of multiple job boards.  

Each inefficiency negatively impacts your budget and diverts attention from your core goal - finding quality candidates for your clients. 

And there are more costs beyond the direct financial outlays. Time is spent in the detail of managing postings, while the mental load of juggling numerous platforms and contracts can be overwhelming. These hidden burdens can significantly detract from recruitment consultants’ primary focus and dilute their efforts. 

Introducing APSCo's new Advanced Media Service 

To help APSCo members overcome these challenges, we’re pleased to announce the launch of our new Advanced Media Service, designed with the express purpose of cutting down costly inefficiencies. Tailored to recruiters’ specific needs, this service will safeguard your finances and help you streamline your operational workflows. This new service will cut your advertising costs, like for like contracts will be reduced and you will save on efficiencies.  2024 has seen an average saving of 18% on media contracts for recruitment businesses by using this service to date. 

We aim to optimise your advertising expenditure. Through strategic ad placements, comprehensive ad audits and leveraging data-driven insights, this new service ensures that every penny of your ad spend works hard. As the service is powered by a Media Agency, we are also able to pass on some of these cost benefits across all job boards. 

The result?  

Significantly reducing wasteful expenditure and maximising your ad efficacy. 

Beyond the financial costs 

The benefits of APSCo’s Advanced Media Service, powered by TRS Media, extend beyond financial savings. By placing management of your job boards into the hands of experienced experts, you can refocus on your core competencies - nurturing client relationships and managing candidate expectations. There are also several exclusively added services and advantages that APSCo Members benefit from when using this new APSCo Advanced Media Service. 

The knock-on effect means you can enhance operational efficiency and reduce hassle and stress for recruitment consultants. Crucially, you can also improve the quality of your candidate pool and accelerate the placement process. 

Don’t lose 24p for every pound you spend. Contact us today to discover how our Advanced Media Service can transform your job board management, save you money and let you focus on what truly matters.