Ensure owners, directors, senior staff and Designated Safeguarding Officers in recruitment businesses have the knowledge and skills needed to respond to allegations against candidates and staff members. Download the course overview.

Key Take-Aways

  • Learn how to be an effective part of any investigation or multi-agency strategy. 
  • Understand what an allegation is and how it may arise (and how it differs from a complaint or negative feedback). 
  • The ability to identify local and national guidance concerning managing allegations of abuse. 
  • Know how to recognise the impact that personal values may have and ensure that their practice is evidenced based. 
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the emotional dimension of safeguarding work and identify ways in which they, staff and candidates can be supported during allegation investigations. 
"Really beneficial - ensures best practice for the individual, the child or vulnerable adult and ensures you won't jeopardise a case."

Anzuk Education


  Virtual, trainer led 
(2 x 4-hour Zoom sessions)
Open place
£450 +VAT -
In-company* £2,260 +VAT £2,940

*Plus trainer expenses based on 8 delegates.

Volume discounts are available for 50 or more delegates trained.

Course Trainer

Adele Gladman

Adele Gladman

Adele Gladman is an established independent safeguarding trainer and consultant. Originally a solicitor, Adele became involved in practice development and safeguarding training after leading the Home Office Child Sexual Exploitation research and development pilot in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. She established the company that became Safeguarding Children Training & Consultancy Ltd in 2002. Adele is passionate about improving outcomes for children and young people and developing the skills of those who work with them.

Adele was absolutely fantastic! A font of knowledge and excellent delivery.



Adele works on a UK wide basis and works with central government as well as local authorities, education (including higher education) private organisations, the voluntary sector, and two national ombudsmen. Adele is an approved independent consultant working with the NSPCC and has worked for the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse since 2018, both as an independent expert and a facilitator for the Truth Project. She is an independent auditor for APSCo (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies) and carries out audits and independent inspections for a number of Trusts and organisations. 

Adele was great in delivering the course and very responsive to questions


LFT Recruitment

Range of Training Expertise

Adele’s work includes direct work and workshops for children, young people, parents and carers. She delivers a range of training for those working with children. Her consultancy work includes developing policies and procedures; independent investigations, reviews, audits and inspections; and helping organisations to attain best practice standards in safeguarding children issues.

Range of Other Expertise

Adele regularly contributes to news, TV, and radio programmes raising awareness of safeguarding children issues, as well as regular keynote conference presentations. She is the author of several articles and publications in professional journals and the co-author of Child Sexual Exploitation After Rotherham (2017); and the Online Guide to Internet Safety for Parents (2018).

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